Stretching the possibilities of telling a story

Today we have learned a very fun and useful took to use in journalism: Storify. “helps make sense of what people post on social media.” By putting one or two words of your interest in the search box, you can see the latest post from all over social media. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook – everything in there for you to create your own story out of all posts. You just need to be interested and creative 🙂

storifyHere is the storify I have created today, as a part of this post. It is related to EYP Ukraine.

Here is the link to the full Storify:

The first Youtube video explains what EYP is and what EYPUkraine specifically is. Then, you can see a little story of the latest session : Kiev School Session of EYP. Enjoy and don’t forget to explore the for your own projects.

And here is another secret of beautiful storytelling ( you can upload a photo and make various comments, attach post, videos, anything you want to make it special 🙂



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